
The last thing I wanted to do the Saturday before Christmas was sit broken down in the JCPenny parking lot, but what I can say is I'm thankful that I was parked in a safe place and not driving down I49. Sometimes things don't go as planned, sometimes things go terribly wrong. In life we want everything to be perfect. But if nothing ever went wrong and if all things were perfect, we wouldn't have the opportunity to see God working. God works all things together for good and takes care of all situations. Trusting God is a precious gift and I am thankful for my faith in His. The gift of Jesus upon his birth is so much more than just a baby, it's a culmination of all things good and precious from God embodied in a baby that grew to be our savior! "Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." James 1:17


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